Centre d'arts créatifs et de l'activité physique
Every year Summit School relies on donations to continue to deliver its diverse, effective and empowering educational programs.
The Summit Angels program ensures our school's low teaching staff to student ratio. It also helps with the ongoing costs of maintenenance of classrooms, school grounds and important facilities.
By becoming an Angel you are ensuring that our school continues to offer life-changing programs in a dynamic environment.
Become an Summit Angel Today
Programs And Initiatives Covered by Angels
Summit School's Centre for Education Research and Training
Performing Arts
Plays and special arts events that are held each years
Job Training
Program that places students in job stages with full job coach support
Various field trips, travel training and community outings
Extra Staff
To maintain a low teaching staff to student ratio
Computers, smartboards and software licenses
Bus monitors on each of
40+ routes
School buildings and grounds needs to be upkept on a yearly basis